viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Step 2. Working with E-mails

This session will introduce students in a multicultural atmosphere where they will be able to develop their L2 as a real system of communication, while they meet new people and open their minds to new experiences and cultures. It is due to the purpose of this project which will have to do with  introducing students in the North-American world.

Firstly, students will have to create their own mail account in this website - click here – in order to be allowed to work with Valle’s Class Blog and the Wiki. Their new mail accounts must maintain the structure given - - (for instance: in order to ensure that all the users of this blog were members of the class, and to facilitate the communication between students and the teacher.

Secondly, once they have their mail account, they will have to look for a pen-friend in the following website - - in order to have direct access with different Anglophone students around the world, this process will make students foster their social relationships, fluency on using their L2 and motivation. Through e-mails, students will exchange experiences, photos or whatever they want of their countries with their pen-friends in order to know directly the Anglophone and Spanish cultures respectively. In consequence, they will also develop a multicultural approach to diverse cultures which will favor their cultural tolerance.

Finally; students will have to share each week, with their mates and teacher, in a debate in the classroom the main topics of the conversations with their pen-friends in order to ensure that students have carried out the activity properly.

* Goal of this activity: to make students communicate with native Anglophone people in a realistic and direct manner, use their second language as their only means of communication and open their minds to diverse cultures.

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